A C D E F G H I N O R S T U V X _ 


add(Object, String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldInvocationHandler
Add a bonded element add the end of a list located by the xpath.
add(XmlFieldNode, String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldInvocationHandler
Add a binded instance at the end of the nodes located by the xpath.
addNamespace(NamespaceMap, XPath) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomJaxenSelector
addNode(XmlFieldNode, String, Class<?>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldInvocationHandler
Add the specified binded node at the end of the xpath location.
addParentNodes(XmlFieldNode, String, Class<?>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldInvocationHandler
Add parent nodes to a specified node.
Association - Annotation Type in org.xmlfield.annotations
utiliser cette annotation sur une méthode de type getter ou setter, pour indiquer à quel sous-emplacement dans le DOM il faut aller chercher ou manipuler le champ correspondant par XPath.
ATTRIBUTE_NODE - Static variable in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNode
The node is an Attr.
available() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.cleanup.EntitySanitizingInputStream


castObject(Object, Class<T>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
Changes interface of an already attached node.
cleanThreadLocal() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlFieldFactory
Clean the XmlField instance of the current thread.
CleanThreadLocalFilter - Class in org.xmlfield.core
This servlet filter cleans XmlField references after each request in order to prevent memory issues in servlet containers.
CleanThreadLocalFilter() - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.CleanThreadLocalFilter
close() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.cleanup.EntitySanitizingInputStream
CONFIG_CLEANUP_XML - Static variable in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNodeParser
Remove invalid XML numeric entities before parsing XML document.
CONFIG_INDENT_XML - Static variable in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNodeParser
configure(XmlFieldFactory) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.CleanThreadLocalFilter
This method is intended to be overridden to setup global configuration.
ConstraintViolation<T> - Class in org.xmlfield.validation.handlers
ConstraintViolation(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.validation.handlers.ConstraintViolation
createAttribute(XmlFieldNode, String, String) - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNodeModifier
Create an attribute to a node
createAttribute(XmlFieldNode, String, String) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNodeModifier
createComplexElement(NamespaceMap, XmlFieldNode, String, String, XmlField) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldUtils
createElement(NamespaceMap, XmlFieldNode, String) - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNodeModifier
Create a new element node at the end of the root node.
createElement(NamespaceMap, XmlFieldNode, String, String) - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNodeModifier
Create a new element node at the end of the root node.
createElement(NamespaceMap, XmlFieldNode, String) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNodeModifier
createElement(NamespaceMap, XmlFieldNode, String, String) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNodeModifier


destroy() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.CleanThreadLocalFilter
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.CleanThreadLocalFilter
DomJaxenSelector - Class in org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom
Default xml field selector implementation.
DomJaxenSelector() - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomJaxenSelector
DomNode - Class in org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom
Default xml field node implementation
DomNode(Node) - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNode
DomNodeList - Class in org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom
Default xml field node list implementation.
DomNodeList(List<XmlFieldNode>) - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNodeList
DomNodeModifier - Class in org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom
Default xml field node modifier implementation DomNodeModifier is thread safe.
DomNodeModifier() - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNodeModifier
DomNodeModifierFactory - Class in org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom
Default xml field node modifier factory implementation.
DomNodeModifierFactory() - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNodeModifierFactory
DomNodeParser - Class in org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom
Default xml field node parser.
DomNodeParser() - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNodeParser
DomNodeParser(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNodeParser
Create document parser and writer.
DomNodeParserFactory - Class in org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom
Default xml field node parser factory implementation.
DomNodeParserFactory() - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNodeParserFactory
DomSelectorFactory - Class in org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom
Default xml field selector factory using Jaxen as Xpath implementation.
DomSelectorFactory() - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomSelectorFactory
DomXalanSelector - Class in org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom
DomXalanSelector() - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomXalanSelector


ELEMENT_NODE - Static variable in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNode
The node is an Element.
emptyTag(String, NamespaceMap) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldUtils
Create an empty tag matching the given data.
ensureValidation(Object, Class<?>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.validation.XmlFieldValidator
ensureValidation(Object) - Method in class org.xmlfield.validation.XmlFieldValidator
EntitySanitizingInputStream - Class in org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.cleanup
An input stream which remove invalid numeric entities from an XML input stream.
EntitySanitizingInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.cleanup.EntitySanitizingInputStream
Wrap an input stream with XMLentity sanitizing.
ExplicitCollection - Annotation Type in org.xmlfield.annotations
utiliser cette annotation sur une méthode de type getter ou setter, pour indiquer à quel sous-emplacement dans le DOM il faut aller chercher ou manipuler le champ correspondant par XPath.


FieldXPath - Annotation Type in org.xmlfield.annotations
utiliser cette annotation sur une méthode de type getter ou setter, pour indiquer à quel sous-emplacement dans le DOM il faut aller chercher ou manipuler le champ correspondant par XPath.


get(String) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.NamespaceMap
getActual() - Method in class org.xmlfield.validation.handlers.ConstraintViolation
getDocumentNode() - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNode
Get the document node
getDocumentNode() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNode
getElementName(String) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XPathUtils
Return element name without any selector.
getElementNameWithSelector(String) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XPathUtils
getElementPosition(String) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XPathUtils
Return element position if it exist.
getElementPrefix(String) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XPathUtils
Retrieve the element prefix
getElementSelectorAttributes(String) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XPathUtils
Returns the selector attributes of this XPath
getElementType(String) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XPathUtils
Returns the type of the element described by this xPath query.
getElementXPath(String, Class<?>) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldUtils
Used to get an element xpath expression from an attribute expression
getElementXPath(String) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XPathUtils
Retrieve the xpath element from the specified xpath.
getExpected() - Method in class org.xmlfield.validation.handlers.ConstraintViolation
getExplicitCollections(Method) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldUtils
Function to get all the associations of explicit collection
getExplosiveValidator(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.validation.XPathValidation
getExplosiveValidator(XmlFieldNode, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.validation.XPathValidation
getFieldFormat(Method) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldUtils
récupère le contenu de l'annotation @FieldFormat sur une méthode, ou null.
getFieldXPath(Method) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldUtils
récupère le contenu de l'annotation @FieldXPath sur une méthode, ou null.
getFieldXPathType(Method) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldUtils
récupère le contenu de l'annotation @FieldXPathType sur une méthode, ou null.
getInt() - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.types.XmlInt
getLength() - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNodeList
Get the node list length.
getLength() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNodeList
getMethodName() - Method in class org.xmlfield.validation.handlers.ConstraintViolation
getNode() - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNode
Get the underlying node
getNode() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNode
getNode() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldInvocationHandler
getNodeName() - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNode
Get the xml node name of the underlying node
getNodeName() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNode
getNodeType() - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNode
Get the node type.
getNodeType() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNode
getParentNode() - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNode
Retrieve the parent node
getParentNode() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNode
getParserConfiguration() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
Returns the current parser configuration.
getPrefixesURIs() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.NamespaceMap
getResourceNamespaces(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldUtils
récupère l'annotation @Namespaces sur une class, ou null .
getResourceXPath(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldUtils
récupère le contenu de l'annotation @ResourceXPath sur une class, ou null.
getString() - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.types.XmlString
getTextContent() - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNode
Get the node content as string.
getTextContent() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNode
getValidationErrors(Object, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.validation.XPathValidation
getValidationErrors(XmlFieldNode, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.validation.XPathValidation
getValidatorWithErrors(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.validation.XPathValidation
getValidatorWithErrors(XmlFieldNode, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.validation.XPathValidation
getXmlField() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlFieldFactory
Get a new XmlField instance, or the instance associated with the current thread if #setUseThreadLocal(boolean) is enabled.
getXmlFieldNode(Object) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldUtils
récupérer le nœud XML qui correspond à un objet.
getXPath(NamespaceMap) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomXalanSelector


handles(Annotation) - Method in interface org.xmlfield.validation.handlers.IHandler
handles(Annotation) - Method in class org.xmlfield.validation.handlers.NotEmptyHandler
handles(Annotation) - Method in class org.xmlfield.validation.handlers.RangeHandler
handles(Annotation) - Method in class org.xmlfield.validation.handlers.SizeHandler
handles(Annotation) - Method in class org.xmlfield.validation.handlers.ValuesHandler
hasAttributes() - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNode
Check if the current node has attributes
hasAttributes() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNode


IHandler - Interface in org.xmlfield.validation.handlers
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.CleanThreadLocalFilter
InputSanitizer - Class in org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.cleanup
Utility class for handling invalid XML entities and characters.
InputSanitizer() - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.cleanup.InputSanitizer
insertBefore(XmlFieldNode, XmlFieldNode, XmlFieldNode) - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNodeModifier
Insert a node before another node.
insertBefore(XmlFieldNode, XmlFieldNode, XmlFieldNode) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNodeModifier
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldInvocationHandler
isAttributeXPath(String) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XPathUtils
Retrieve the xpath element from the specified xpath.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.NamespaceMap
isGetterCache() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
item(int) - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNodeList
Retrieve the item positioned at the specified index.
item(int) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNodeList
iterator() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.NamespaceMap


NamespaceMap - Class in org.xmlfield.core.internal
Namespaces container class.
NamespaceMap(String...) - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.internal.NamespaceMap
Namespaces - Annotation Type in org.xmlfield.annotations
utiliser cette annotation sur une interface de getters ou de setters, pour indiquer quels namespaces utiliser dans la lecture et l'écriture du XML.
newFactory(Class<T>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldFactoryFinder
Instantiate a new factory instance.
newInstance() - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNodeModifierFactory
Get a new XmlFieldNodeModifierFactory instance.
newInstance() - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNodeParserFactory
Get a new XmlFieldNodeParserFactory instance.
newInstance() - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldSelectorFactory
Get a new XmlFieldSelectorFactory instance.
newInstance(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldFactory
Get a new factory instance managed by the XmlFieldFactoryFinder.
newModifier() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNodeModifierFactory
Return a new XmlFieldNodeModifier using the underlying object model determined when the XmlFieldNodeModifierFactory was instantiated.
newModifier() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNodeModifierFactory
newObject(Class<T>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
instantiate a new XmlField interface.
newParser(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNodeParserFactory
Return a new XmlFieldNodeParser using the underlying object model determined when the XmlFieldParserFactory was instantiated.
newParser(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNodeParserFactory
newSelector() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldSelectorFactory
Return a new XmlFieldSelector using the underlying object model determined when the XmlFieldSelectorFactory was instantiated.
newSelector() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomSelectorFactory
nodeToArray(String, XmlFieldNode, Class<T>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
nodeToArray(XmlFieldNode, Class<T>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
nodeToExplicitArray(String, XmlFieldNode, Map<String, Class<?>>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
Function to attach an array of different objects type .
nodeToObject(String, XmlFieldNode, Class<T>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
Bind a node located by the xpath expression to the specified type
nodeToObject(XmlFieldNode, Class<T>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
Bind an xml field node to the specified type.
nodeToXml(XmlFieldNode) - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNodeParser
Transform an xml field node to an xml string.
nodeToXml(XmlFieldNode, Writer) - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNodeParser
nodeToXml(XmlFieldNode) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNodeParser
nodeToXml(XmlFieldNode, Writer) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNodeParser
nodeToXml(XmlFieldNode) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
nodeToXml(XmlFieldNode, Writer) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
NotEmpty - Annotation Type in org.xmlfield.validation.annotations
NotEmptyHandler - Class in org.xmlfield.validation.handlers
NotEmptyHandler() - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.validation.handlers.NotEmptyHandler


objectToNode(Object) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
objectToXml(Object) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
objectToXml(Object, Writer) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
org.xmlfield.annotations - package org.xmlfield.annotations
org.xmlfield.core - package org.xmlfield.core
org.xmlfield.core.api - package org.xmlfield.core.api
org.xmlfield.core.exception - package org.xmlfield.core.exception
org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom - package org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom
org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.cleanup - package org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.cleanup
org.xmlfield.core.internal - package org.xmlfield.core.internal
org.xmlfield.core.types - package org.xmlfield.core.types
org.xmlfield.validation - package org.xmlfield.validation
org.xmlfield.validation.annotations - package org.xmlfield.validation.annotations
org.xmlfield.validation.handlers - package org.xmlfield.validation.handlers


Range - Annotation Type in org.xmlfield.validation.annotations
RangeHandler - Class in org.xmlfield.validation.handlers
RangeHandler() - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.validation.handlers.RangeHandler
read() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.cleanup.EntitySanitizingInputStream
remove(Object, XmlField) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldUtils
Remove element from document. item must have been acquired either by calling XmlField#nodeToObject(Node, Class) or any get or addTo method.
remove(XmlFieldNode, XmlField) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldUtils
retirer un nœud XML de son parent.
removeAttribute(XmlFieldNode, String) - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNodeModifier
Remove an attribute from a specified node
removeAttribute(XmlFieldNode, String) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNodeModifier
removeChild(XmlFieldNode, XmlFieldNode) - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNodeModifier
Remove a child node
removeChild(XmlFieldNode, XmlFieldNode) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNodeModifier
removeChildren(XmlFieldNodeList) - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNodeModifier
Remove a node list
removeChildren(XmlFieldNodeList) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNodeModifier
reset() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.cleanup.EntitySanitizingInputStream
ResourceXPath - Annotation Type in org.xmlfield.annotations
utiliser cette annotation sur une interface de getters ou de setters, pour indiquer à quel emplacement dans le DOM il faut aller chercher les champs par XPath.


sanitizeText(String) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.cleanup.InputSanitizer
Replace invalid characters by the unknown character (�).
sanitizeXml(String) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.cleanup.InputSanitizer
Replace invalid entities by the entity corresponding to the unknown character (�).
selectXPathToBoolean(NamespaceMap, String, XmlFieldNode) - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldSelector
Select xpath expression to an xml field node and return the result as a boolean.
selectXPathToBoolean(NamespaceMap, String, XmlFieldNode) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomJaxenSelector
selectXPathToBoolean(NamespaceMap, String, XmlFieldNode) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomXalanSelector
selectXPathToNode(NamespaceMap, String, XmlFieldNode) - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldSelector
Select xpath expression to an xml field node and return the result as an xml field node.
selectXPathToNode(NamespaceMap, String, XmlFieldNode) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomJaxenSelector
selectXPathToNode(NamespaceMap, String, XmlFieldNode) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomXalanSelector
selectXPathToNodeList(NamespaceMap, String, XmlFieldNode) - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldSelector
Select xpath expression to an xml field node and return the result as an xml field node list.
selectXPathToNodeList(NamespaceMap, String, XmlFieldNode) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomJaxenSelector
selectXPathToNodeList(NamespaceMap, String, XmlFieldNode) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomXalanSelector
selectXPathToNumber(NamespaceMap, String, XmlFieldNode) - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldSelector
Select xpath expression to an xml field node and return the result as a double.
selectXPathToNumber(NamespaceMap, String, XmlFieldNode) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomJaxenSelector
selectXPathToNumber(NamespaceMap, String, XmlFieldNode) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomXalanSelector
selectXPathToString(NamespaceMap, String, XmlFieldNode) - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldSelector
Select xpath expression to an xml field node and return the result as a string.
selectXPathToString(NamespaceMap, String, XmlFieldNode) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomJaxenSelector
selectXPathToString(NamespaceMap, String, XmlFieldNode) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomXalanSelector
setGetterCache(boolean) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
Enables caching for get methods.
setGetterCache(boolean) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlFieldFactory
Enable Getter cache.
setInt(int) - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.types.XmlInt
setNode(Node) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNode
setParserConfiguration(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlFieldFactory
Set parser configuration.
setString(String) - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.types.XmlString
setTextContent(String) - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNode
Set the node text content
setTextContent(String) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNode
Size - Annotation Type in org.xmlfield.validation.annotations
SizeHandler - Class in org.xmlfield.validation.handlers
SizeHandler() - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.validation.handlers.SizeHandler


TEXT_NODE - Static variable in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNode
The node is a Text node.
toNode() - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldObject
renvoie le nœud XML correspondant à cet objet.
toString() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.NamespaceMap
TYPE_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XPathUtils
TYPE_TAG - Static variable in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XPathUtils
TYPE_TAG_WITH_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XPathUtils


UNKNOW_NODE - Static variable in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNode
The node is an unknow node.


validate(Annotation, Method, Object, Class<?>) - Method in interface org.xmlfield.validation.handlers.IHandler
validate(Annotation, Method, Object, Class<?>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.validation.handlers.NotEmptyHandler
validate(Annotation, Method, Object, Class<?>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.validation.handlers.RangeHandler
validate(Annotation, Method, Object, Class<?>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.validation.handlers.SizeHandler
validate(Annotation, Method, Object, Class<?>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.validation.handlers.ValuesHandler
validate(Object) - Method in class org.xmlfield.validation.XmlFieldValidator
validate(Object, Class<?>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.validation.XmlFieldValidator
validateExplosively(Object, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.validation.XPathValidation
validateExplosively(XmlFieldNode, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.xmlfield.validation.XPathValidation
Values - Annotation Type in org.xmlfield.validation.annotations
ValuesHandler - Class in org.xmlfield.validation.handlers
ValuesHandler() - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.validation.handlers.ValuesHandler


XmlField - Class in org.xmlfield.core
This class is the entry point of XmlField.
XmlField() - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
Create XmlField object for xml/object manipulations.
XmlField(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
Create XmlField object for xml/object manipulations.
XmlFieldException - Exception in org.xmlfield.core.exception
General exception.
XmlFieldException() - Constructor for exception org.xmlfield.core.exception.XmlFieldException
XmlFieldException(String) - Constructor for exception org.xmlfield.core.exception.XmlFieldException
XmlFieldException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.xmlfield.core.exception.XmlFieldException
XmlFieldException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.xmlfield.core.exception.XmlFieldException
XmlFieldFactory - Class in org.xmlfield.core.internal
Genric xml field factory.
XmlFieldFactory() - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldFactory
XmlFieldFactory - Class in org.xmlfield.core
Factory used to create XmlField instances.
XmlFieldFactory() - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.XmlFieldFactory
XmlFieldFactory(boolean) - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.XmlFieldFactory
XmlFieldFactoryFinder - Class in org.xmlfield.core.internal
XmlFieldFactory finder instanciate an XmlFieldFactory instance.
XmlFieldFactoryFinder(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldFactoryFinder
Search the classpath for a configuration and instanciate a new factory.
XmlFieldInvocationHandler - Class in org.xmlfield.core.internal
l'objet InvocationHandler à utiliser sur les proxies chargés à la lecture des nœuds XML.
XmlFieldInvocationHandler(XmlField, XmlFieldNode, Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldInvocationHandler
T .
XmlFieldNode - Interface in org.xmlfield.core.api
Interface used by the framework to access to an xml node.
XmlFieldNodeList - Interface in org.xmlfield.core.api
XmlFieldNodeList interface
XmlFieldNodeModifier - Interface in org.xmlfield.core.api
Modifier interface, this interface describe the diffrent operation needed to be done on an XML document.
XmlFieldNodeModifierFactory - Class in org.xmlfield.core.api
An XmlFieldNodeModifierFactory instance can be used to create XmlFieldParser objects.
XmlFieldNodeModifierFactory() - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNodeModifierFactory
XmlFieldNodeParser - Interface in org.xmlfield.core.api
Interface of a xml field node parser.
XmlFieldNodeParserFactory - Class in org.xmlfield.core.api
An XmlFieldNodeParserFactory instance can be used to create XmlFieldNodeParser objects.
XmlFieldNodeParserFactory() - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNodeParserFactory
XmlFieldObject - Interface in org.xmlfield.core.api
interface essentiellement utilisée par le moteur de lecture du XML vers Java, mais rien n'empêche de déclarer une interface Java de manipulation du XML héritant de INodeable afin de récupérer le nœud XML correspondant.
XmlFieldParsingException - Exception in org.xmlfield.core.exception
Parsing exception
XmlFieldParsingException() - Constructor for exception org.xmlfield.core.exception.XmlFieldParsingException
XmlFieldParsingException(String) - Constructor for exception org.xmlfield.core.exception.XmlFieldParsingException
XmlFieldParsingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.xmlfield.core.exception.XmlFieldParsingException
XmlFieldParsingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.xmlfield.core.exception.XmlFieldParsingException
XmlFieldSelector - Interface in org.xmlfield.core.api
The XPath selector interface used to select xpath expression on an xml field node.
XmlFieldSelectorFactory - Class in org.xmlfield.core.api
An XmlFieldSelectorFactory instance can be used to create XmlFieldSelector objects.
XmlFieldSelectorFactory() - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldSelectorFactory
XmlFieldTechnicalException - Exception in org.xmlfield.core.exception
Technical exception
XmlFieldTechnicalException() - Constructor for exception org.xmlfield.core.exception.XmlFieldTechnicalException
XmlFieldTechnicalException(String) - Constructor for exception org.xmlfield.core.exception.XmlFieldTechnicalException
XmlFieldTechnicalException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.xmlfield.core.exception.XmlFieldTechnicalException
XmlFieldTechnicalException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.xmlfield.core.exception.XmlFieldTechnicalException
XmlFieldUtils - Class in org.xmlfield.core.internal
Xml manipulation node utility class.
XmlFieldUtils() - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XmlFieldUtils
XmlFieldValidationException - Exception in org.xmlfield.validation
XmlFieldValidationException(String, String, String) - Constructor for exception org.xmlfield.validation.XmlFieldValidationException
XmlFieldValidator - Class in org.xmlfield.validation
XmlFieldValidator() - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.validation.XmlFieldValidator
XmlFieldXPathException - Exception in org.xmlfield.core.exception
XPath exception.
XmlFieldXPathException() - Constructor for exception org.xmlfield.core.exception.XmlFieldXPathException
XmlFieldXPathException(String) - Constructor for exception org.xmlfield.core.exception.XmlFieldXPathException
XmlFieldXPathException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.xmlfield.core.exception.XmlFieldXPathException
XmlFieldXPathException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.xmlfield.core.exception.XmlFieldXPathException
XmlInt - Interface in org.xmlfield.core.types
This type should be used instead of 'int' to ensure safety of setXXX() methods.
XmlString - Interface in org.xmlfield.core.types
This type should be used instead of 'String' to ensure safety of setXXX() methods.
xmlToArray(String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
Bind an xml string to an array of entities.
xmlToNode(InputStream) - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNodeParser
Transform an xml inputstream to an xml field node.
xmlToNode(String) - Method in interface org.xmlfield.core.api.XmlFieldNodeParser
Transform an xml string to an xml field node.
xmlToNode(InputStream) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNodeParser
xmlToNode(String) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.impl.dom.DomNodeParser
xmlToNode(InputStream) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
Load the XML document from an input stream, load it internally in a tree and return the root node.
xmlToNode(String) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
Load the XML document from a string, load it internally in a tree and return the root node.
xmlToObject(InputStream, Class<T>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
xmlToObject(String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
Create an interface for the given xml and matching the given interface.
XPathEquals - Annotation Type in org.xmlfield.validation.annotations
XPathUtils - Class in org.xmlfield.core.internal
Xpath manipulation methods.
XPathUtils() - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.core.internal.XPathUtils
XPathValidation - Class in org.xmlfield.validation
XPathValidation() - Constructor for class org.xmlfield.validation.XPathValidation


_getModifier() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
Returns the modifier associated with this XmlField object.
_getParser() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
Returns the parser associated with this XmlField object.
_getSelector() - Method in class org.xmlfield.core.XmlField
Returns the selector associated with this XmlField object.
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